Archival research and service
Inventories HfG-Archive (in German Language)
HfG-Archiv on “Museum Digital” with a selection of photographs and documents
Ordering photographs and documents
Project website for the exhibition “Exhibition Feaver” (2021) in the HfG archives with source texts on the HfG and exhibitions, a directory of students at the HfG and material on historical HfG exhibitions.
Related websites with further information

HfG-Archiv 2021, file research. Photo: Sylvia Morlock, © HfG-Archiv
The HfG-Archiv offers researchers, students and the general public the opportunity to learn about and explore the history of the Ulm School of Design (1953-1968).
Available are original sources, including files, three dimensional models for product design and two dimensional graphic designs, the former library of the Ulm School of Design as well as current literature about design and design history.
File submission and archive research
every Wednesday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
We kindly ask you to make an appointment by telephone at
+49 (0) 731 161 4370 or by mail to

HfG-Archiv 2021, library file. Photo: Sylvia Morlock, © HfG-Archiv Ulm
Digital offers of the HfG-Archiv
Inventories (in German Language)
Our inventories are the key to our collections. In there, you find detailed information in order to get an overview on the material and for the preparation of your research at the archive.
Introduction, overview, systematics
F 01 File archive of the Ulm school of Design and the Geschwister-Scholl-Foundation
F 13 Hartmut Seeling Collection
To the contents of the publications of the HfG Ulm
L 03 HfG Magzines (“ulm” and “output”)
Related websites
Digitized version of the journal “output” on the website of the club off ulm
Project website for the exhibition “Ausstellungs-Fieber” (2021) in the HfG archives with
Source texts on the HfG and exhibitions, a directory of students at the HfG and material on historical HfG exhibitions.
Digital Exhibition: Hans Gugelot. Die Architektur des Design
A digital version of the exhibition in the HfG-Archiv in 2020

HfG-Archiv 2021, Library. Photo: Sylvia Morlock, © HfG-Archiv
Ordering photographs and documents
Why do we charge fees for providing digital copies?
The HfG-Archiv / Museum Ulm is supported by the City of Ulm. It pays the rent for exhibition and archive rooms, the salaries of the employees, and covers the costs incurred in the development of exhibitions and digital offerings.
We recoup a small portion of these costs in the form of admission fees and through fees for the retrieval and provision of photographs, documents and the associated metadata (captions, explanations), for example. This amount never covers costs, but we do have a revenue target of a certain amount.
Explicitly excluded from this regulation are study and scientific works at universities and colleges such as master’s theses, dissertations, lectures, pedagogical purposes.
Orderings from the HfG-Archiv: Fees and Order Form
Ordering photographs and documents
Fee schedule for ordering photographs and documents and for using the HfG archive
Using the HfG-Archiv
Statutes for the use of the HfG-Archiv (in German Language)
Application for use of the HfG-Archiv

HfG-Archiv 2021, Diploma Theses. photo: Sylvia Morlock, © HfG-Archiv